Friday, October 24, 2014

Bang Bang

BANG BANG..goes the animation for the month!

As we near the end of this month of classes I can finally take a deep breathe and more importantly a long nap. 


I've accomplished so much in this class and I'm very proud with what I've completed (And my grades show). I've posted several thoughts already about this month, so I'll make sure to keep this very last one short, sweet, and simple. So I thought I would share another video that I completed in my Character Animation II Class to end these last classes with a BANG.

I really enjoy this video; my worst struggle this month was actually believing in myself. I'm not an animator as you can tell and I really struggle with that thought because that's what I originally wanted to do. But now when I look back at this class and these videos I can say that I actually did something pretty dang amazing and become more confident in my work. Everything is hard, and no one said it was easy. So just be positive and take it one step at a time. Things will work out in the end and as you can see it did for me!

1 comment:

  1. Love the display of emotion in this animation, especially the part where he leans on the vending machine... Great work
