Monday, August 25, 2014

Keep it Classy

This is where my talent comes in...

For my third post I thought I would include some of my Traditional pieces to give some of you an idea on how I work along with what I draw and where I'm at with my skills.

I guess I'm old school...

Most of my pictures are done with just a pencil, paper, paper towels, and tortillians. I am used to not having a lot of quality supplies within my grasp, so I have to do with the stuff I do have and can afford. Though I believe that makes me appreciate the things I do have more and respect my artwork a little more because I know what I have gone through to produce specific pieces of work. Although I have had some experience in can sculpting, clay modeling, and painting. So I try to dabble in other mediums to improve my knowledge and give me a broader chance in expanding my creativity. If you have any questions on any specific pieces please let me know; and I hope you enjoy just a couple of my finished pieces of traditional pieces of artwork.

1 comment:

  1. Love the piece with the woman and the gears inside. Really beautiful piece of art. I feel like its so much emotion in that piece which draws the viewer in. Awesome traditional work
