Saturday, January 9, 2016

Still Drawing?

It's been a while...

It's honestly been a while since I've touched my pencil to my paper. Going into the digital world has all been so different such a fun and interesting new adventure. I've been learning things left and right about everything; but sometimes going back to your roots is one of the truest happiest moments you can give yourself. 

Find what you love and let it kill you...

So as it becomes 2016 I make some resolutions...some that will never happen, because hey we all have a couple of those. (Probably just for shits and giggles haha) Though one resolution that I will be following through is going back to my roots. Touching that pencil back to the paper, going back to the times that really brought me happiness. Where I can get lost within the paper, the strokes, and my imagination. Where reality is lost and everything is okay for a moment. 

Life is short..Eat Dessert First!

And I am eating Dessert first! I've actually been entered into an art competition down in Michigan from my Uncle (Apparently he thinks I'm talented enough to compete with the professionals), but I don't plan to disappoint him. So while I think of some ideas to draw here is a recent piece I did that I never posted about to you all...and please if you have any ideas let me know. Remember...dream big!

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