Friday, September 11, 2015

The Process

Practice, Practice, Practice...

I was always told to do this. In order to get better you nee to practice and push yourself. Come out of your comfort zone and do something extraordinary. Because in order to achieve you need to try. 

"But how do you do it?"

To do a lot of my traditional work there is a lot of math involved. 

I graph out the image I want to do (starting with 7 16ths); and whether I want to do something bigger or smaller I will either go up or down from there. Then on the actual drawing paper I will measure out exactly 1 inch square boxes. 

Then from there I start square by square and get to work. 

I have been asked this question a lot in my life when it came to my work. First, I always say that I have always wanted to be an artist since I was little. I was the first to put clothes on my stick figures for goodness sakes! Being serious though I have never wavered in my decision for my life long career. So I have been practicing all my life to be at the level that I am and I'm still pushing and practicing to do even more!

And you can do the same.

Just believe in yourself!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Aint That Sweet

I'm an official published Illustrator!

Aint that sweet?!

The book went to print on Monday, August 30th 2015. I will be kept up to date when the books are starting to hit the shelves, but I'm already so excited. The idea of going into a book store and going to the children's section then seeing the book in someone's arms is just exhilarating! The idea of bringing a bright smile to a child's face is what thrills me!

Now don't kill me, but I can't announce what the book is called...yet. Though like I said, once I know when the book is officially on shelves I shall let you all know! 

In other news...

In the meantime I have been preparing myself to moving to California. I'll be couch surfing on some of my really good friends sofa's while I look for a job in the industry.
It's time for this small town girl to go to the big city and give it all she's got! I want to be a Technical Artist for a living and I'm not letting anyone get in my way. I'll freelance, eat ramen, get coffee, start at the bottom of the totem pole if I have too. Because you have to start somewhere and where better to start then the bottom. It just gives you more drive to reach that top! 
So wish me luck, and maybe if your hiring should really give me a shot as well! 

With that...

I'll leave you guys with a recent Graphite Piece I did while filling out Resumes. This is probably by far the biggest portrait I have done..for now. The smile is what really captivated me in drawing him (late to be found out as Charlie Hunnam from Son's of Anarchy). I hope you all enjoy..and please critiques are welcome!